Everyone knows about the prognostications of Punxsutawney Phil, but what about Bee Cave Bob?
Richard - I wanted to share this excellent post by Amrita Roy. I think you and your readers will find it very interesting. Cheers
Thank you!
Fact check - a reader (hat tip SC) rightly points out that it was Jackie Gleason in the Honeymooners that said 'To the moon!' Not Archie Bunker. I had the wrong pop culture reference. Apologies
Richard - I wanted to share this excellent post by Amrita Roy. I think you and your readers will find it very interesting. Cheers
Thank you!
Fact check - a reader (hat tip SC) rightly points out that it was Jackie Gleason in the Honeymooners that said 'To the moon!' Not Archie Bunker. I had the wrong pop culture reference. Apologies