"All the business of war, and indeed all the business of life, is to endeavor to find out what you don't know from what you do; that's what I call "guessing at what is on the other side of the hill." Duke of Wellington September 3, 1852
Thanks Rich! Some great content here, well worth the 20 minutes. Will be really interesting to see how some of these wide divergences correct over time.
All that goes through my head is that saying how fun it is to spend other people’s money, until it runs out.
A lot of people make a good career spending other people's money.
"All the business of war, and indeed all the business of life, is to endeavor to find out what you don't know from what you do; that's what I call "guessing at what is on the other side of the hill." Duke of Wellington September 3, 1852
Thanks Rich! Some great content here, well worth the 20 minutes. Will be really interesting to see how some of these wide divergences correct over time.