I enjoyed this listen today and found it to be very informative on the macro and the AI fronts. AI seems to be gaining ground in two job categories 1. process or rules based jobs such as customer service, front office, software development, testing, financial analysis etc. 2. creative or transformations such as graphic design, writing, summarization, media creation etc. For now, it would seem that blue collar jobs are "safe" until the robots become good enough to replace factory workers and service technicians. BTW - to get a good sense of how AI might be impacting tech jobs...check out the site layoffs.fyi. As per them, 264k techies were laid off in 2023 and about 134k so far in 2024. Lots more interesting granular data on that site that is tech specific. Cheers!

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Thanks Beach for sharing the link, very useful. I agree with your comment on the "blue collar" side of jobs. I also partly think that the renaissance that we are seeing now will likely fade in some time especially as PE activity warms up.

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i love it

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